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Work with Vira 1:1

Dear Friends, In case you are wondering where Dhyana's 1-1 offerings have disappeared too... This is a heads up that she will be taking a break from 1-1 work to focus on the precious early years of motherhood. You're stuck with me for now. 

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My name is Vira Tansey (Dhyana's Husband & Co-Creator of Sister Science) and my mission is to create communities that fulfill our core human need to be held in unconditional compassion, to heal from our trauma’s, to awaken our true self, and learn to hold that same space for other.


I am here to support you in awakening your truest most alive and empowered self.


I was born in a family of dedicated Bhakti Yoga Practitioners and I’ve trained and lived with masters of Ayurveda, Yoga and Conscious Living throughout my life.


I served as the President of Bhakti Center for 5 years building a thriving community touching the lives of 10's of thousands of people in the heart of New York City under the guidance of HH Radhanath Swami.


I lived and learned with masters (Dr. Madhusudhana Ray & Damian Hagglund) of Marma Therapy  (Ayurveda's body pressure point healing system) and went on to practice throughout the world conducting over 5000 treatments and dozens of retreats and trainings.


I am an Ayurvedic Coach, Healer and Educator offering 1:1 consultation, Life coaching, private retreats and co-leading trainings with my wife Dhyana Masla.

Ayurveda Consultation



Transformative Life Coaching


Total Wellness Retreats


Ayurveda acknowledges that in order to have perfect health, we have to take into account wellness of the mind, body, senses and soul. Rather than a disjointed system, Ayurveda approaches the whole person, YOU, as an individual, maintaining health in the areas where you are healthy, and restoring balance where there is dis-ease. Together, we will create a path of gentle healing and balance for the body, mind and consciousness. During a typical evaluation, we take a complete medical and lifestyle history and perform a physical evaluation as well as pulse diagnostic that looks at the body both as a physical system as well as a field of intelligence — reflecting the needs and choices of your life. After discussing your wellness goals, as well as any mental, physiological, emotional or spiritual imbalances, you will receive a personalized and easy to follow life-style and diet plan to implement into your life immediately. 


Zoom Consultations: 75 minutes: $240


- Initial 75 minute Consultation + two 30 minute follow ups: $400


Go on a Journey to meet your true self. The part of you you've been wanting to meet your whole life, but just haven't known how to. 


Buried under the trauma, anxieties, depression and unconscious behaviors, is a perfect and beautiful being (YOU) waiting to shine into this world.


Take hold of your life.


Connect to what you truly desire and what's most meaningful and live from that place!


Every human being is meant to have counsel, coaching and effective guidance available to them to navigate the journey of life.


Its about believing we matter enough to receive it.


Personalized Coaching Journeys 

only available upon your initial free consultation.

Immerse yourself in an environment of total wellness at the Ayurveda health Retreat Located in Historic Downtown Alachua, Florida.


Utilizing the sciences of Marma Therapy, Pancha Karma and Ayurvedic cleansing and rejuvenative herbal, dietary and lifestyle processes, we tailor programs specifically to meet your needs.


Personalized Retreats

only available upon your initial free consultation.

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