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“As I continued breathing as deeply and fully as I could, I entered into a non-ordinary state of consciousness where I experienced the full range of memories and emotions that had been repressed for a lifetime. This period was followed by the most blissful state of oneness, beauty and clarity that I had ever known, a profoundly spiritual experience that is beyond words. This is all I’ll say about it here.” 

- Michael C.

“I’m sure you get this after every class, but I feel intensely compelled to tell you how much that class meant to me. This past week I feel as if I’m operating on another plane of existence. The feeling I had while during the breathing was one of the most beautiful experiences I’ve had in this lifetime.”

Carry Rose

"I've tried every drug out there, and nothing has ever been as powerful, revealing, and transformative as this." - anonymous 

"I feel as though all of the love that I've given in this lifetime has been returned to me a thousand fold." 

- Melanie P.

In western psychology, as well as the deeper vedic teachings, we can understand that all of our unprocessed past experiences; our traumas, pain, heartbreaks, and joys… every single thought, memory, emotion… everything!, is stored somewhere within the body. If we don’t unpack these stored memories, then we move forward in our life deeply conditioned and effected by the past.

Breath and Consciousness are intimately interwoven.

As we breathe more deeply into our bodies, we are inviting awareness into parts of ourselves (or our past) that have long been stored away. As we bring awareness to the areas that have been hidden, our bodies innate healing abilities kick in; we release what has been holding us back, and we step closer into our full potential.

The process itself uses very simple means: with the eyes closed and lying on a mat, each person uses their own breath with this technique along with the music in the room to enter a non-ordinary state of consciousness. This state activates the natural inner healing process of the individual’s psyche, bringing him or her a particular set of internal experiences. With the inner healing intelligence guiding the process, the quality and content brought forth is unique to each person and for that particular time and place. While recurring themes are common, no two sessions are ever alike.

Many practitioners feel this breath work provides a direct, replicable, physical experience of Divine Love through the saturation of the body with prana.

$40 per person.

*Pre-registration necessary

Sign up on Stanton Street Yoga’s page: CLICK HERE then click “workshops” tab

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