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Living Prayer + Conscious Intention Meditation
Click the date below to access that day's recording:
Feb 7th: We see the world as we are (Audio Only)
September 29th: Love Serve Remember
September 27th: Come back to Satva
September 24th: Our Baby Vira
September 22nd: Transform Unconscious Habits
September 15th, 2021: Free will in presence
September 13th, 2021: Divine Goddess
September 3rd, 2021: Spiritual Relationships
September 1st, 2021: Find Meaning
August 30th, 2021: I need true love
August 27th, 2021: Who's in the center?
August 25th, 2021: Language of Love
August 23rd, 2021: We are our environment
August 20th, 2021: No matter what
August 16th, 2021: Reveal your heart
August 13th, 2021: Your presence is needed
August 11th, 2021: Garden of the heart
August 9th, 2021: Effortless Effort
August 6th, 2021: Gentle Powerful Changes (Audio)
August 4th, 2021: Love Every Moment (Audio)
August 2nd, 2021: The Gift of Being (Audio)
December 29th: Envision with Compassion
December 27th: Remember your true self
December 24th: You are always held
December 22nd: I Surrender to Your Will
December 20th: A Stable Foundation
December 17th: Your Free Will
December 15: Don't miss a moment of love
Dec 13th: Right where we are supposed to be
December 10th: We are our environment
December 8th: Moment to Moment Prayer
December 6th: Seek the Essence
December 3rd: Eternal Internal Equation
December 1st: Three Keys to thrive spiritually
November 29th: Know you are loved
November 26th: The Ultimate Choice
November 24th: Thank you Thank you Thank you
November 22nd: From Resistance to acceptance
November 19th: Harsh with your child?
November 17th: Experience yr Experience (video)
November 15th: Daily Pilgrimage
November 10th: The One in front
November 8th: A life of service
October 29th: Health is Wealth
October 25th: Turn Toward yourself
October 22nd: I love this prayer
October 15th: Resistence
October 13th: Bring Joy into your life
October 11th: Gateways to ourself
October 8th: Walk toward the Mess
October 6th: Apathy to Empathy
October 4th: The Nature of the Mind
October 1st: Symptoms of disease
Recordings from 2021
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